The success story of HunzeOutdoor

‘Very professional, with the look of HunzeOutdoor’

Since Hennie Kuipers, front office manager at HunzeOutdoor, got to know Recras, she hasn’t wanted anything else. “This program saves us so much time!” she says enthusiastically. “Previously, we used to spend about 15 to 20 minutes on a booking. Now, we don’t even spend a minute on it.”

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Indoor and outdoor

Hennie manages both locations of HunzeOutdoor. “In Gasselternijveen, you’ll mainly find our outdoor group activities, such as the survival bridge circuit, canoeing, obstacle course, climbing, and ziplining. In Borger, we also organize a lot of indoor activities. For example, we have an underground maze, and you can swim, bowl, and practice archery,” Hennie lists. “We organize successful days or half-days for kids’ parties, school trips, corporate outings, family days, or company training. And in the summer, visitors of the holiday park or campsite can also sign up for such activities.”



“Both locations are part of a Roompot park,” Hennie continues. “Initially, we always worked with their booking system, but it was mostly geared towards accommodation rentals. We could fit our bookings in, but it was a lot of work. The booking had to be written in the memo description, and if we wanted to make a change, we had to re-enter everything from scratch.”



A new colleague eventually pointed Hennie to Recras, an online reservation system for the leisure industry that she had used at another company. “What I heard about it immediately appealed to me, and I raised the question with Roompot. The time savings it would offer us was the deciding factor, and we got permission to try it for a year. That year is now over, but I really don’t want to give it up anymore,” she says resolutely.


Many possibilities

“You need to take the time to set up the program, but once you do, you can get so much out of it: beautiful quotes with the look of HunzeOutdoor, scheduling staff, adding catering options, and much more. To be honest, I haven’t even discovered all the possibilities yet. There’s a whole support system behind it, but I haven’t given myself the time to go through it completely. Just recently, during a conversation with someone from Recras, he showed me how I could add a separate section to record the birthdate of a child who celebrated a birthday party here. They will automatically receive a reminder the following year. ‘It’s that simple.'”



“What I also really appreciate is the help I get from Recras. You can ask a question through a ‘support thing,’ and they always respond quickly. The lines of communication are short. I can only say that I’m extremely positive about the program. I’d recommend it to everyone.”

Online in 5 steps

  1. Enter products and packages
  2. Add starting times and material
  3. Link with our payment provider Mollie
  4. Create a workflow to follow up bookings
  5. Embed the booking module on your website

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