Notifications and follow-up actions

Get a grip on bookings, outstanding invoices, expired quotes and open services. Recras is task list on steroids.

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All actions always transparent

Reports and follow-up actions are the basis of your operations in Recras. They help you keep track of all the work involved in offering your activities. You are notified of new requests, expired invoices, expired quotations, follow-up actions for customer contact and also when the personnel planning is incorrect. Thanks to the clear blue buttons in your Recras environment, you and your staff can immediately see what actions need to be taken.

Actions for your administration

Recras notifies you when the due date of outstanding invoices and quotes is reached. With the click of a button, you send a reminder to your customers. Recras also alerts you when bookings are yet to be invoiced.”

Follow-up actions in contacting your customers

On new requests, changes and other customer queries, you will be notified of a follow-up action. These actions can be added both automatically and manually. In this way, you as staff also ensure good information transfer between them in customer contact.”

Getting personnel records in order

Recras helps you create and manage staff schedules. Both you and your employees get notifications in case of unknown availability, shifts yet to be registered and scheduling problems. With automatic emails for new shifts, changes and reminders, your staff will always be informed of any adjustments.

Rest and overview in your organisation

On busy days, your recreation business can be a hectic affair, so you might overlook tasks. Recras’ management system ensures that all open actions are transparent. This is done on the homepage of your Recras environment, using the blue buttons. These notifications keep you informed of unread e-mails, open requests, expired quotations, expired invoices and personnel services yet to be processed.

When you clear all notifications daily, you know you have done all administrative tasks -from customer contact to staff management-. When your operations are in order, you will have more peace and order in your organisation.

It starts with a booking

The Recras system is built for all types of leisure businesses. Small and large. Whether you rent out 3 canoes or offer complex packages, with Recras you automate your booking process and the organisation around it.